My main lesson of 2018 is patience.
I have quite a impatient nature, so with the past week events, my patience has been tested.
And instead of wallowing and moaning, I've taken the signs from the universe to spend time with myself in other areas; read a yoga book, write a blog post, meditate, clean my room, do whatever I've been putting off since I got here.
It's only my first couple of weeks here, so so what if I've had to take a step back. Everything is only temporary.
I love the quote, "Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting".
It's so true!
Whatever it is that you're waiting for, acknowledge it, and check yourself, check your attitude. It's quite easy to become annoyed and be passive aggressive, without truly meaning to. So take this as a little reminder.
Are you still smiling?
Are you still being kind?
Are you still being positive?
Are you still thankful for what you already have?
Are you still grateful for your health, life, your current situation, the current people in your life etc?
Are you still being present?