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7 Minute Crown Chakra Meditation | Nicole Windle Yoga

A 7-minute meditation to become aware and open up your crown chakra, the 7th chakra which sits at the very top of your head. This particular chakra's meaning is all about spiritual connectivity.

Become aware of your crown chakra and tap into its power!

The chakra is related to the colour violet which is cleansing and purifying. It is the colour of magic, ritual, cleansing, purifying, connecting, mystery, and mysticism.

Violet is a colour of reconciliation. Of bringing together polarities - male and female, day and night, hot and cold, heaven and earth, right brain and left brain.

The 7th chakra has the greatest versatility and can encompass the greatest scope of any of the chakras, hence its state of liberation. Within our thoughts we can jump from ancient Stone Age to visions of the future. We can image being in our backyard or think of a distant galaxy, all in a mere instant. We can create, destroy, learn and grow - all from a place existing within and requiring no movement or change without.

Some say the crown chakra, Sahasara, is the seat of the soul, an eternal and dimensional witness that stays with us throughout lifetimes. It is the master processor of all awareness - the gateway to worlds beyond and world within.

However we choose to describe it, we must remember that it's scope is far greater than our words can convey. It can only be experienced.



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